Monday, December 26, 2011

The Brother Bond

This summer I decided not to attend summer school to allow me to spend more time with the kids.  This opportunity not only allowed me to spend more time with Shay, Shaylah and Payton but also spend some time with a very special little monkey named Austin.  Austin is Payton’s brother.  He stayed with our family over-night this summer and was an absolute joy.  From his hand holding, calling out “brother” and the happy hopping he does when he gets excited.   When he stayed over we took him on a wild adventure.  We went to Busch Gardens water park and made homemade pizza.  Both Shay and Payton were eager to help him tackle stairs, ropes, and water falls to get to the prize, the huge slide!   We had more adventures and vacations to Disneyworld I will post at a later date.

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