Monday, December 26, 2011

Scrapbook Passion

My husband and I recently tackled the dreaded chore of cleaning out the garage. Upon cleaning I discovered a large storage container that had been sealed since my move/divorce in 2005.  I pulled the lid off to discover a long lost treasure and passion of mine that had died when my life had taken such a drastic turn those many years ago.  The old smell of photos washed over me and I instantly felt my creative spark reignite.  I rallied my kids and we spent hours going through photos, stickers, paper, old scrapbooks, die cuts, the list goes on.  I am working on completing Payton’s baby scrapbook and the children are scrapbooking away right along with me.  Scrapbooking provides great joy to me and I have many memories with friends and family of scrapping together.  I have not scrapbooked since one of my dearest friends, Linda Henderson, and I use to get together and scrap for hours, sometimes until the wee hours in the morning.  I’m looking forward to sharing my new creations with her and maybe even reigniting her passion for pictures.

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