Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Happy Blended Family

Dr. Phil’s 7 Rules of Step-Parent Etiquette

1. The biological parent should handle direct discipline.
2. The Step-parent should be an active participant in supporting decisions of the biological parent.
3. The Step-parent should seek to define his/her role as an ally or supporter.  This in no way should be construed as an attempt to replace the biological parent not living in the home.
4. Step-parent should not have unrealistic expectations regarding the level of closeness or intimacy with the step children.
5. The Step mother/father should actively support the child’s close relationship with the biological mother or father that is no longer in the home.
6. Don’t play favorites; negotiate time, money, and activities between biological and non-biological children equally.
7.  If you, as a biological parent, are having issues with how a step-parent is handling parenting; address the issue early on.  Stop complaining and ask for what you specifically want or need for them to do or not do.

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