Friday, January 6, 2012

Little Snow Flakes are Glad Today

Little snowflakes are glad today
For the wind is blowing them up to play
There falling here , and there falling there
Oh little snowflakes your everywhere

We arrived around 8:00 pm after a 2 hour detour around the mountain.  The road was closed due to snow and ice.  The kids were really disappointed due to the detour but forgot all about their disappointment when they arrived at the cabin to find snow covered mountains.  They had a snow ball fight, made snow angels, and made a snow man.  They also sat in the hot tub while lovely snow flakes fell from the sky.  It was the first time either one of them had experienced "real" snow that they could remember.  They thought this was the most wonderful thing in the world!  They begged us to move here.  Bill and I, on the other hand, have lived in cold snowy areas and know that it is no winter wonderland when you live in them.  It is great for vacationing!

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