Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Lego Engineer

This holiday season Bill and I were in search of the perfect gift for each of the kids.  Since this year would be similar to last year, funds were limited and we needed to find something one of a kind.  It meant that we would have to create a gift that would tap into each child’s most treasured hobby. 

This was a no brainer for Payton. LEGOS LEGOS LEGOS!!!  Payton is an artist, creator and engineer at heart.  He loves his Legos and has over 2ooo of them.  He builds ships, houses, cars, sets, and just about anything you can think of.  His favorite pieces are the little people.   

However, a man is not complete without his workbench.  Bill, Shay and I got to work constructing the perfect Lego engineering table.  It was a super fun project to see come together.  Payton was elated when he saw his new work space and all his Legos in perfect order.  We didn’t see him or Shay for at least 8 hours after he got his table.  They spent hours creating a Lego city from scratch.

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